Flaws seen here:
1. Her elbows are way too low
2. The weight is forward causing her to shift to her toes
3. She has too much grip on the bar
4. The weight is not shelved on her shoulders
This picture was taken only a couple weeks ago. Today, Smita went for a Front Squat PR of 100# and got it. I was there to witness. But more importantly(and the reason she got it) her form was extremely better. Those 4 flaws were all addressed(fixing her elbows, fixed everything else) and her lift improved. Great job Smita.
Everyday you train, our job as CrossFit coaches is to fix your movements with certain cues. We know you will most likely not make a perfect adjustment on the spot, but rather soak in our words, process the information, and improve with time. Our consistent "nit-picking" coupled with your desire for improvement equals better movements which increase your capabilities as an athlete. Striving to improve the form of your movements should never end. It is very rare, if even possible, that you will perfect all the movements under the CrossFit umbrella.
WOD 03/01/08
For Time:
- 100 Pull-ups
- 100 Push-ups
- 100 Sit-ups
- 100 Squats
I know this is very similar to "Time Trials" which I posted on our last rest day. I swear I don't have early access to the main site WODs. It is not completely out of the realm of reality that an intense life task could present itself back to back in short time period. This is the beauty of CrossFit. Give it your all!!!