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February 29, 2008


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Thank's Bro thing's are smooth with the diet, Lol yeah I need to shoot for 220, You got some strong guy's over there.


Oh yeah when it comes to form Austin is the man !! aint nothing that get's by him. Good job smita front squats can be a pain in the ass, it is very rare you see any woman or men for that fact doing them, so far only in crossfit have I seen them done on a constant basis, The same goes for overhead squats. And I know there aint such a word as aint.


Wow ya my form was wayyyyyy off when I first attempted the front squat. I'm glad my form is getting a little better, thanks to all the coaches! And then finallyyyy getting the 100, I couldn't have done it without your help Austin, thanks for pushing me!


Dag, it took me 28.29 minutes to get through today's WOD. I wasn't as wiped afterward as the WOD on Friday (when I layed there for 10 mins) but it was a lot harder to get through. Good stuff!


Good shit Smita!


Great class today guys!

Jenn and Donn Marie stayed after class to compete for the girls number one spot for squats, Smita had the spot at 115 with 3 reps

Not anymore!

Jenn takes the lead with a 125 squat 3 times
Donn Marie finished at 105 which was a PR for her as well

Great Job! Especially after doing Angie

Andres P.

11.55, I cut 5 min off my last attempt on this workout :)

Coach Rudi

Good class today Jason!



You really got start using the video recorder for your workouts. 11:55 is pretty elite status. I would love to post that on our site. Great Job!

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