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We will have two informational meetings. Thursday January 3rd at 6:30 pm, or Saturday January 5th at 11:00 am (after Community class). There we will take your measurements, go through the challenge, and give you any more details that you need.
Did you know that getting fit is one of the top ten New Year’s resolutions? Is it one of yours? You’ve already made the start by staying consistent with exercise. Let us help you get there faster with a newly reformed Paleo challenge!
It’s all new. Different. Better. Or worse- depending on how you look at it.
So here are some FAQs-
We will have two informational meetings. Thursday January 3rd at 6:30 pm, or Saturday January 5th at 11:00 am (after Community class). There we will take your measurements, go through the challenge, and give you any more details that you need.
Any more questions? Interested? Contact OG Jenn at [email protected] to RSVP to the meetings.
Workout at 11a, End of the World BBQ at noonish. We tossed this together last minute so don't expect an extravegant party. Just food and friends. I'll be bringing some meat, and utensils. If you have a BBQ dish, might as well bring it being it's the last day to use it.
Good news is it's 12/21/12 - 4:30pm in Australia. The Mayan calander says their world ends at 10:11pm. So we will know in advance.
**A Programming Rant**
Disclaimer: This rant started as a simple post to educate the difference between biasing and targeting and 30 minutes later somehow went down a path of...well you'll see...
Biasing and targeting your programming are different. Biasing your programming is when you put extra emphasis on one fitness area at any cost. For example, a strength bias program could give you great strength gains while other areas (endurance, gymnastics, or anything else) suffer and your overall capabilities decline. Or an endurance bias program could give you improvements in your longer workouts and endurance capacity, but many other areas drop resulting in less overall capacity.
Targeting your programming is when you focus on an area of your fitness that is weak in comparison to all other areas. If your weakness is strength and you add extra strength work in, you can improve it while maintaining or even improving all other areas of your fitness. The simple fact that it's a true weakness makes it an area possible of targeting. If your goal is that of CrossFit's, which is general physical prepardness you want to target, not bias. If your goal is focusing on one area and sacrifice others, that would be biasing. Many athletes bias and make a ton of money doing so. Powerlifter's, Oly lifter's, Tri-athletes, Marathon runners, and the list goes on. I'm not saying that one way is smarter or better than the other, just to realize your goals and know what you're after.
Targeting is only for the experienced. To target a GPP program is to first have years (at least two, and many people 3-4) under your belt of solid varied programming. The reason is when you start CrossFit, you have a ton of room in all areas for improvement and you need to train in many areas to get better in many areas. As the time passes, you start to slow down in terms of overall improvements but you have a ton of data and know your physical capabilities well enough to make a short list of "weaknesses".
If you want to continue to improve your GPP, this is when it's time to target your programming and you do so one weakness at a time until it's par, or close to, with your overall fitness. I've seen many people over the years become very well rounded crossfitters and even elite games athletes following this model. The problem is, it's a process that takes time and most want it NOW. You have to respect the process. What I believe is a big mistake is having a goal of GPP, but thinking endurance or strength or flexibilty, or power, or fill in the blank is more important than the other. Over the years I've also seen many people have the goal of being a competitive crossfitter start to focus on one area way too soon. It's common with strength. Thinking that adding barbell strength in the one rep max realm is a shorter path to a better helen or fran or angie time is wrong.
I've been involved in the CrossFit community for quite a while now and have been fortunate enough to work with many athletes and talk with many athletes. I've also seen a few different spins on GPP programming to be hailed as the secret. For a year or so after Jason won the games, I was deemed the secret holder. Usually these programs, including what I did then and what I do now are simply sound CrossFit programming with a few twists (most of the time it's added volume).
Jason would have won the games with a ton of different coach's programming. There also could have been a few coaches that could have screwed it up. For every elite athlete who has won the games it's been a recipe of sound programming that is varied using the CrossFit model, sound coaching of their movement, athlete detication, hard work, and GENETICS. Bottom line is when a coach progams someone from office desk jockey to CrossFit Games champion in a year, then there might be a super special programming secret. Haven't seen it yet and doubt I will.
WOD 12/20/12
Make up Day
Donovan hitting 425# for 3 reps on his final set!
**A Detailed Write-up from Kenya Competition**
We had 4 CFM athletes compete individually at the Norcal Crossfit for Kenya Fundraiser on Saturday. It was Shantil's first time competing as an individual and she had a great showing placing 6th in the women's division, hitting a PR in the snatch at 90#. During the brutal 3rd wod she kept moving through the front squat, push-up, box jump triplet and scored more reps than any of the male CFM athletes. Vito had a strong showing narrowly missing a 220# snatch (too many cookies during the week) which would have been a 10# PR. Steven aka "The Ant" stayed consistent through all the events making it to the final wod with the top 6 competitors. Dal showed his yoga skills by doing some awesome downward dog poses in the butt up push-up wod. He hit a 170# snatch which was a 15# PR (he credits it to the It's It's and pumpkin pie that he ate all week that was left over from the holiday party). He went in to the finals ranked 6th. The last WOD was an elimination style with one competitor being eliminated after each 3 minute round. Dal made it to the 4th round but the 225# deadlifts in the end held him back. He finished 5th overall for the weekend.
Sunday was the team competition where Stacey, Zander, Jess, and a last minute substitution of our good friend Riley started the day off well by blazing through the OHS and speeding through the partner carry. The next event was a row, max thruster combo where in the final 10 seconds Zander mustered up the energy for a 2nd attempt to increase his score to a 245# thruster by unleashing "The Hulk". The third wod required precision and communication as Stacey repped through 75# snatches like a PVC pipe and everyone pounded through the plate burpees earning them a 2nd place ranking going into the final. The final WOD equally weighted on all teammates as they had to burn through 15 cleans, 20 push press, 25 box jumps, and 40 double unders each. With the final time remaining in the 8 min workout the first 4 teams to finish had to rep out as many muscle-ups as possible. Zander and Riley contributed more than their fair share of the 31 completed MUs while Jess added a few. To the shock of Team Ermahgerd, their consistency and teamwork paid off in a 1st place finish.
WOD 12/17/12
For time:
20 Wall ball shots(m20#/w14#)
20 Sit-ups
20 Box jumps(m24"/w20")
20 Push-ups
20 Cleans(m135#/w95#)
20 Double unders
20 Thrusters, dumbbells(m35#/w20#)
20 Pull-ups
20 Overhead squats(m95#/w65#)
20 Kettlebell swings(53#/w35#)
20 Push presses(m95#/w65#)
20 Dips
20 Sumo deadlift high pull(m95#/w65#)
20 Burpees
20 Back squats(m135#/w95#)
20 GHD sit-ups
20 Walking lunge steps
20 Deadlifts(m135#/w95#)
20 Knees to elbows
20 Front squats(m135#/w95#)
**Saturday/Sunday Schedule Reminder**
There are no classes this weekend. There is an open gym with a few level one trainers available for help on both days from 10a - 11:30a.